la medida del cielo

The paintings on paper, the ones with the calligraphy in relief, are the sketches prior to what later became the paintings. In thats paintings on canvas, I have discarded writing in relief.
I use calligraphy, like asemic writing. (many years ago, I studied zen calligraphy, but for me it was just drawings, since I didn’t know the meaning of what I was writing. And since then, I use «automatic» writing. At first I thought it was like «the traces of the soul». In recent years, I continue to use it, but also, with a more realistic conviction, because I believe that writing condenses the imprint of each person as particle and wave.)
MJ 2015-2019

Las pinturas sobre papel,  las que tienen la caligrafía en relieve, son los bocetos previos a las que luego fueron las pinturas. En las pinturas sobre tela, he descartado la escritura en relieve.
Utilizo la caligrafía, como escritura asémica.( hace muchos años, estudié caligrafía zen, pero para mí eran sólo dibujos, ya que desconocía el significado de lo que escribía. Y desde entonces, utilizo la escritura «automática»  Al principio pensaba que era como «los trazos del alma». En los últimos años, sigo utilizándola, pero además, con una convicción más realista, porque creo que la escritura, condensa la huella de cada persona como partícula y onda.)
M.J. 2015-2019

«Thanks to the sensibility acquired practising interdisciplinary arts, Jardon succeds in restoring the deep communion btween the human beign and the cosmos, finding the key, the link that was lost with centuries of technocratic alienation. In her artworks the environmntal element and the natural matter ar often combined to the human condition and its subconscious  sphere, in a symbiosis/dichotomy that represents both the solution and the cause of human struggles.  The artist promotes a spirituality enlightened knowledge, a serendipitous attitude that does not need peer-reviews; because interior and ingeniously intuitive, a genuine and uncontaminated logic that does need explanations inasmuch unique and incontrovertible.»

Abramo ‘TEPES’ Montini / Andrea Swoboda
Deus Ex Terra. Visions beyond the deception of wealth.
CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium, Lavagna, Italy, 2019


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